Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

I spoke in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday with the above assigned topic. I do keep a daily journal and try to record the blessings I've noted that day. Some days they are so easy to remember; other days, I have a harder time identifying them. Isn't it interesting that we become so accustomed to having all these blessings flow from above that at times we don't even notice them? If we don't notice them, how can we express gratitude for them?

President Monson identified several areas in which we should be extremely grateful and express that gratitude frequently: mothers, fathers, teachers, friends, country, and of course, our Savior. (I added challenges, tests and trials- though I'm not especially grateful for them, I am grateful for the growth that comes from them!)

Which leads me to the real crux of this whole thing: Our Bishop mentioned the report of the stake presidency on instruction they had received from the Brethren regarding the challenging times we are now living in. They were told that, yes, things are bad, and they are going to get worse, but as long as we are true and faithful, as long as we keep the commandments and stay close to the Lord, we will be okay.

That was the promise of President Monson to all of us. I should have added one more thing to my talk on Sunday: gratitude for modern day prophets and apostles who can guide and direct and counsel us - as well as calm our fears and bring comfort to our souls while we see our world as we have known it disintegrate before our very eyes.

How simple that counsel is. Keep the commandments. We are taught that in Primary. May we ever remember it - and do it! Then the promise is ours. Everything doesn't have to be alright right this minute - as long as we have the promise that it will be for our good in the long run. I believe that it will.

And now I'm off to help make things right in my daughter's world where her brand-new baby has pneumonia and can't come home from the hospital with her. But it will be alright - in the end. I believe that.


Cheri J. Crane said...

Lynn, what a wonderful reminder of what is truly important in today's crazy world. =)

Gale Sears said...

Lynn, thanks for the words of wisdom. It prompts me to write in my gratitude journal and thereby enjoy again the blessings of the day.