My daughter borrowed my car the other day to drive from our home in Sandy up to Park City. It's about a 45 minute drive and luckily the weather was good that day. On the way home she called to chat and as we were talking she suddenly realized that the low fuel light was on, and she had no idea how long it had been on. There's a button in my car you can push to see how many miles you have left before your tank is empty. She had 7 miles left. If you've ever driven down Parley's Canyon you know that there aren't a lot of places to get gas. In fact, there aren't any. The closest gas station was just off Foothill Boulevard but she had no idea how many miles until she got there. I stayed on the phone, knowing that all I could do was pray with her and assure her she was going to make it (although I had no idea if she really would, I just wanted to help her stay calm). As we talked she counted down the miles as they dropped lower and lower. When the tank showed 2 miles she noticed a sign for the I-215 belt route. I knew it had to be close, but would she have enough gas to make it? 1 mile left. There was the sign for Foothill Boulevard. Just as the tank showed 0, she saw the Chevron station. On fumes, she pulled up to a gas tank and both of us heaved sighs of relief.
There are people in our lives that are always there for us. People we know we can count on when we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. We, in turn, are able to be that person for others, someone they can depend on when they need help, support, love or just a safe place to unload their burdens or share a laugh.
I'm so blessed to have wonderful people in my life. The women of this blog are unconditionally loving and supportive. They've shared in joys and sorrows, successes and failures. How grateful I am for sisters and sisters-in-law's that I know will always be there for me, drop everything to help me. How grateful I am for daughters and a daughter-in-law, who are caring and loving and my best friends. How grateful I am for my sweet son who can make me laugh harder than anyone I know. And how grateful I am for my husband who supports me and love me, no matter how insane I get.
I hope that I am as much of a strength to others as they are to me. Who are those people in your life? Make sure you remember them at this time of year.
What a harrowing experience! I agree with your comments about lifeline people. I'm so grateful for a plentiful supply of such people in my life and also hope I'm one of those who can also be counted on when needed.
I've never run out of gas, and never want the experience. Scary.
I am so grateful for the friends in my life who have always been there to see me through tough times and laugh with me in silly times.
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