I do so love the different seasons. Really. Every time we go into a new season, I think of all the reasons why that one is my favorite. Then, just when I get tired of it, it's time for another one. Well, it's really, really hot right now where I live, but I'm still loving summer. I decided to make a list of ten of my favorite things about it:
1. popsicles
2. the farmer's market and fruit stands
3. our family garden and fresh veggies
4. my sister's pool
5. watching my husband swim in my sister's pool- he's like a fish.
6. green lawns
7. the smell of freshly-mowed green lawns
8. bar-b-ques
9. my little boy wearing only shorts and his tan tummy
10. my big girls and their tan shoulders, looking like I used to
(Ok, so number 10 is a little bittersweet. Give them a few years and a couple pregnancies and then they'll be envious of their own daughters).
But how about you? Do you like summer? What are some of your favorite things?
Hey, Nancy. Thanks for the wonders of summer. I love cold watermelon, the smell of barbeque, walks in the mountains, the neighbor kids running through the sprinkler, flowers, hazy ginger sunsets, fireworks...my list could go on and on.
My favorite summer time things include camping, fishing, roasting hot dogs over a campfire, playing in my garden and flower beds, and picking huckleberries! Great post, Nancy.
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