Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I'm going to follow on talking about moms, because most moms are cool, and because I don't think we (oops) they get enough credit for taking on the hardest job on the planet. Along with the sweet little bald newborns comes: colic, fevers, teething, pucking, pooping, mewling, croup, crying, pooping (did I already mention that?) drooling, gas...the list goes on and on. Of course, dads experience all these treasured events too, but, come on, really, who takes on the lion's share, especially when it comes to pucking and pooping?

On the flip side, moms usually get to experience those wondrous "first time" events when dad is off at work--the first roll from back to front, the first chuckle, the first coo, the first tooth, and the first wobbly steps. I'm getting a little teary here. That's also part of being a mom; we have a lot of emotion when it comes to our kids. We cheer their accomplishments, suffer with them during their hard times, and get angry when they do something stupid. We love them, that's why.

And, for those moms just starting out on this never ends. My kids have been out of the house for years, yet I still cheer their accomplishments, suffer with them during their hard times, and...well, you get the picture.

Being a mom is a hard job, and sometimes we grouse, but ask us if we'd trade it for a posh corner office and a huge salary, and the answer would, of course.

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