Monday, May 24, 2010

Having Strength to Mourn

It's hard for me to follow Gale's post because I haven't had much experience with the death of close loved ones. When my mother died, it was a shock but I had felt for much of my life that it would be a blessing when it did come because it would give her many answers I felt she needed. When my favorite aunt took her own life, I felt death would give her release and healing. When I learned that one of my best friends and college roommates in college had been killed on Christmas Eve by a drunk driver, I felt like I'd been slammed to the floor and the breath knocked out of me. But it would have been much harder if we'd still been roommates and as close as we'd been 20 years ago.

I did have many animals growing up and had many funeral services for them and shed many tears. And I'm grateful that God gives us animals, in part because I think it helps us practice mourning and understanding the role death plays in our lives. It is when something, or someone, we love dies that we realize God is serious, that our life here is only temporary and only a small part of our larger existence since we really don't belong here. It also helps us to realize that we truly are dependent upon God and upon the sacrifice of His son for all the good things we have in life that we value and would not want to live with, even could not imagine a life without.

Even having answers doesn't take away the pain although perhaps it diminishes it by a few ounces. And that may remind us that God, who knows everything and is perfect in his faith and strength, still felt pain at his son's pain. For those who lose children, they may be standing on particularly holy ground because they share a unique bond with our Father in Heaven, knowing the kind of loss that breaks hearts and has shaken the faith of many, and yet is permitted by our Father who wants only our eternal happiness.

My love and prayers are with you, Gale.

1 comment:

Gale Sears said...

Thank you, Val.
Love, Gale and George