A V-formation flock of geese seems to have one member of the group as the leader, but each member takes its turn at the point of the V, leading the way as the others in the formation honk in encouragement. The geese stay together, even when one becomes sick or injured; the group stays with it until it is well enough to continue the journey at its regular pace.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
It's Just Another Day
I want to work with today. I think of yesterdays only in terms of sweet memories of good times, and challenges that helped me learn. I use those experiences to make the decisions of the day. And when it comes to tomorrow's impact on my life, I think only of how the actions of today will color the next day and the next. Even then, something may happen to interrupt my hopes or preparations for tomorrow.
Perhaps that's a bit too much philosophizing so soon after the holiday frenzy. Let me get my head into a simpler place.
When I was a young girl, my mom used to watch this soap opera (in black and white) called, The Days of Our Lives. During the introduction they had this big hour glass with sand pouring from the top cylinder into the bottom. The deep voiced announcer would say..."As sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives." For some reason, it scared the beejeebees out of me. As I'd watch those grains of sand racing through the narrow neck of the hour glass and landing in a lifeless heap in the bottom, I'd think, Man, those days are going fast. I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and be fifty! I'd run outside, find my friends, and play a game of hide and seek or kick the can. I could handle the here and now of laughter and sweaty faces.
Well, now I am...older, but age didn't come in a flash. My life has been built one day at a time; one precious day, just like today--the last day of 2009. It's just another day. And if any day begins to look like a little grain of falling sand, I simply run outside, find my friends, and play a game of exercising, shopping, eating lunch, or going to a movie. I can handle the here and now of laughter and beaming faces. You're welcome to come and join me, anytime!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Years Resolutions
I have to admit I get excited at the end of the year to set all kinds of resolutions that I am sure will somehow magically help me transform into my idea of the perfect person I long to be. I set my lofty goals and of course, I aim high. In fact, I aim so high that within a few days of setting those resolutions, I find myself throwing my hands up in the air wondering why in the world I can never achieve all those high expectations I have made for myself.
Does this ring true with anyone else?
This year I am bound and determined things are going to be different. New Years is a great time for a new beginning for me -- starting with a new attitude about resolutions and goal setting. I don't need to change everything about me all in one fall swoop. Instead, baby steps.
Thanks to my son and a Family Home Evening lesson he gave us on Monday night, we set a couple of goals that we plan to work on as a family for the coming year. I'm excited about the goals we set and as a family, we'll help each other achieve them.
With my calling, I have a goal, as well as one as a mother, wife, employee, and writer. I have chosen one goal or resolution for each of these areas and one personal goal that I would like to accomplish.
They are all obtainable but will take effort so that if/when I achieve them, I will feel better for having accomplished them.
Suddenly I look forward to getting started working on my goals. Resolutions don't have to be overwhelming and certainly not impossible for us to achieve. It can be a simple goal to help us to improve.
At the end of the year, I hope to have obtained my goals and made some of my weaker areas, become more of a strength.
New Years Resolutions can be a great way for a new beginning-- to have a fresh start. If you choose to set some resolutions for yourself, I wish you every bit of success possible! Make it fun and don't be too hard on yourself!
Again, Happy New Year to you all!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Taking Stephenie Meyer's Advice
I had a lovely Christmas. Can't wait for the next one!
I finally succumbed to pressure from my eldest daughter and two best friends and - gasp! - read Twilight. I know you don't need me to tell you this, but it's very, very good. It entirely captures that dizzy intense feeling of first love and, because it's written in the first person it's hard to read it and not be drawn into those feelings yourself. (On Christmas day I noticed that our Ward Young Women President was wearing socks emblazoned with the logo "I love boys that glitter".) I know it's not to everyone's taste, but I loved the first two books. I'm about to embark on the third one.
I am thrilled that a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has done so well and written this wonderful blockbuster series. For one thing, my daughter is now proud to be a member of what is viewed in our area as a small obscure American sect, and is telling everyone that Stephenie Meyer is a member of our Church. (Donny Osmond may be cool again now, but he just doesn't pack the same punch when it comes to street cred, especially since Sister Meyer mentioned Muse and Linkin Park in her acknowledgements.)
For another thing, I can be confident and happy that Gwen won't find anything untoward in these books. However deep their love, Edward and Bella never do more than some light kissing and hand-holding. OK, so that's because Edward is worried he will eat her, but he still proposes long before there is any hint of friskiness. What a great example to today's youth - look how much Edward and Bella were in love, and they still waited!
I am also thrilled because the books have inspired me to get on with my own writing endeavours. I looked at Stephenie Meyer's website, and it only took her four months to write Twilight. The book I am writing at the moment has taken me about eight years so far. She has three children too, and she could still find time to write. On her website, she also gave two excellent nuggets of advice for would-be (and already-are-but-struggling) writers:
- Read good books. The more you read, the more you will recognise, and be able to emulate, good writing.
- Write something every day. Knuckle down and do it.
Now, this is pretty standard advice. I think I've read it a thousand times before, and passed it on to others. But now I'm actually taking that advice. Twilight is a good book, but it isn't full of complex artistic metaphor or erudite prose - the narrator is a seventeen-year-old girl, after all. It reminded me that I don't have to be clever and use long intellectual words and inspiring narrative all the time. Twilight has lots of dialogue, which I'm not good at, and it showed me that dialogue can be used to flesh-out characters and set scenes. So reading this particular good book has helped me to write my own.
And if Stephenie Meyer can write a masterpiece in four months, then I should at the very least be able to finish the book I am working on. So now I am writing at least 1,000 words each day. My reward for reaching this goal is to allow myself to read a chapter of Eclipse. Now that's motivation!
Christmas Crash

Yep, I did it again. In trying to keep the Yuletide burning bright, I totally overdid things. My body let me know what it thought about that tradition yesterday. I could barely move. Most uncool. ;)
Is it part of our human nature to make the holidays as wonderful as possible? I actually feel guilt over Christmas cards that didn't get sent this year. (I made a valiant effort, but did not get a card sent to everyone that I normally do.) And my mother's gift is still sitting on my piano bench---a testimony that the gray cells don't function as well as they used to. (It didn't click that I'd left it there until we were pulling in my mother's driveway down in Utah. I still can't believe I forgot it.)
I made a plethora of food and Christmas candy. Then after consuming my share of the goodies, my stomach rebelled. Toast wasn't even my friend yesterday.
What makes me sad is that I absolutely love the holiday season. I love hearing from friends and loved ones who also make a valiant effort to send out Christmas cards. It's the only time I hear from some of them.
I love Christmas music, I love the lights, and I especially love the reason for the season. As I'm busy bustling around, I figure it's my way of showing love and respect for our Elder Brother by doing as much good for other people as I possibly can. I participated in the Toys for Tots drive our valley sponsored yet again this year. I made well over 25 plates of candy to take around to neighbors and friends. And I did my best to make or purchase thoughtful gifts for loved ones. Even the one still sitting on my piano bench contains items that I know my mother will love . . . eventually.
I guess my question today (and yes, I'm a day late with this post . . . I do apologize) is: have we made the holidays more complicated than they need to be? Is it good to go around in a brain stupor for a couple of days afterward because we pushed ourselves beyond what our bodies (mine in particular) consider cool? Am I the only one who runs myself into the dirt each holiday season? I don't think so. I saw a similar glazed look on my mother's face a couple of days ago. She did most of the holiday baking in her abode this year since my youngest sister is still recovering from a car wreck she endured earlier this month. Then I arrived and took over the the helm . . . after already doing so in our realm. (We didn't head down to my mother's house until the day after Christmas.)
I'm already making myself a list of do's and don'ts for next year, in the hopes that it won't be as crazy as this year was. Any bets I'll ignore it? ;) What think the rest of you about this strange phenomenon? And what can we do to change things around? I seriously doubt our Elder Brother likes it when we make ourselves sick on His behalf. I suspect He likes it better when we strive to be more like Him all year long---stretching things out so it's not all clumped up together at the end of the year.
That's my goal for this coming new year---to slow down, savor the good stuff, and ignore my overactive conscience that constantly harps about the items I did not accomplish. I may not succeed, since being an overachiever seems to run in my bloodlines, but I'm going to give it a shot. (Bad diabetic pun) I would like to live to see other Christmas holidays. Words to live by . . . literally. =D
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A Gratitude List
*a healthy family
*a warm house
*luxuries like a tv, internet, phones
*a car that works
*food in my kitchen
*books, lots of books
*knitting needles and yarn
*pens and paper
*my Heavenly Father and His Son
I'm sure I will go through the day and think of dozens more items to add to the list, but I am just so grateful for the basics of life and the little things that make it so rich. I am a blessed woman and I try to be aware of that every day.
This time of year is such a good time to reflect on the past twelve months, to consider what worked, what didn't, and what we'll try differently next year. Celebrating the birth of the Savior is the perfect way to end one year and gives a good perspective with which to approach the next.
I am grateful for so many, many things. Thank you to my friends online and in real life. You enhance my life in ways you can't imagine. My love to you all!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Prayers for Scrooges & Scroogettes
I’ve been thinking a lot about Christmas this year. On the one hand, it’s going to be a particularly difficult Christmas for a lot of people because times are particularly hard right now. On the other hand, even if things were better, some people just don’t find holidays as cheerful as other people do. I confess to being one of them. Each year I try to do something to make Christmas what it seems like it’s supposed to be and I’m not sure I ever succeed.
Last week a woman at Church said that she tried for years to pull her husband out of his Scrooginess and finally realized that his experience with Christmas had been very different from her own and he just had a hard time with Christmas. She said that instead of trying to get him to change she finally decided to just validate experience, accept that some people have a hard time with holidays, and just carry own and make her own Christmas for the rest of the family.
My family didn’t have much money for Christmas when I was groing up but that wasn’t the problem. I think it was that we weren’t a happy family and we didn’t have a lot of love in our home. My usual answer to that is that my mother suffered from mental illness and my dad grew up in an orphanage and didn’t really know a lot about families. That’s true, in part. But I expect there’s more to it, though I’m not going to try to figure it out. It’s past. Of the five children and one remaining parent in my family, my youngest brother seems to be the only one who has learned how to enjoy Christmas. I don’t know exactly how he did it, but he married a woman who perhaps knew and whether or not she did, the two of them determined to make Christmas special, for themselves and for their children. They celebrated Jesus’ birthday on Christmas Eve (complete with song and candles). For years they took the family to the Dickens festival in Salt Lake City until the festival was closed. They have 20+ years of pictures of the kids with Santa Claus.
But more than traditions, I believe there is love in their home. Despite the problems and challenges of raising five energetic boys (and at times loving them), my brother and his wife love each other and it shows. They love their children and try hard to help them learn to love the gospel and to be caring and responsible. I know one of the sons resents that having a large family seems to mean less money for things he wants but I’m hoping he’ll keep growing up and realize one day that his family isn’t so bad.
I’m too old to blame my lack of Christmas spirit on my parents and clearly I’m a slow learner if I’m still trying to get Christmas right. I think I’m on the right track though. But I wanted to stand up for a moment for the Scrooges and Scroogettes of the world, who, forever reason, haven’t yet felt the spirit of Christmas. It may be that something this year, a tiny gift, a few words of kindess, maybe touch their hearts and help lead them to understand Christmas. I know my friends have helped me in my journey this year. Thanks to them all and to the good shepherds who watch with love.
Friday, December 18, 2009
What if?
What if the Savior returned today? What if He came back on the anniversary of His birth? (Of course, we know that would be in the spring, but for the sake of the game, I use the traditional celebration date.)
Am I prepared for that "great and dreadful" day? Will it be great for me - or dreadful? This vein of thought takes me next to the question of what do I have to do different to make it great. At our stake women's conference, Elder Reynold's introduced a new concept to us - one I hadn't thought of before. And it is this concept that is going to make it easier for me to be ready when He really does return.
In Daniel 6:18, King Darius spends the night fasting for Daniel when his friend and advisor is thrown into the lion's den for praying to his God in defiance of the decree Darius signed without thinking of its consequences. Elder Reynolds said as he contemplated Darius's fast through the night, he wasn't impressed. We always fast through the night. So he must have been fasting from something other than food. We are told that his musical instruments were not brought to him, neither did he sleep. So he apparently fasted from at least those three things.
Elder Reynolds then broached the possibility of us fasting from things other than food as a way to improve ourselves. The thing that stuck in my mind as I listened was fasting from negative thoughts and attitudes. Especially at this time of year, my heart needs to be filled with love and charity and forgiveness and my mind should be filled with noble and generous thoughts, not criticisms and judgments.
As I carried this train of thought forward doing the "what if?" game, I was struck at what a great way to work toward becoming perfect,"even as I am," as we have been commanded to do. So just for today, I will try to be as perfect as I can be in every way. I don't have to it again tomorrow if I don't want to, but for today, I will fast from all things negative, from all things that don't turn me to my Savior, from music and people or places where I wouldn't take Him if He were beside. Just for today....I can do that.
I love this special time of year. The air is filled with more love and beautiful Christmas carols, and we are thinking more of our Savior than we might be at other times, so I hope we can be more perfectly in tune with our Lord and Savior. My prayer for each of you is that the "what if's in your lives all lead to good things for you and your families.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Symbols of Christmas
The symbolism of each piece speaks of the tender meaning and wonder of the Savior’s birth. The peddler’s lantern illuminates our way to the true Light which shines in the darkness, the angel’s dove represents Christ as the Prince of Peace, and the lamb brings our thoughts to the Lamb of God.
I often see George standing and contemplating the stable scene with all the characters surrounding the lowly manger bed, (I do the same). It brings our minds and hearts to the true meaning of the Christmas celebration—the birth of Christ. This Christmas, 2009, we share our testimonies with you that He lives and loves us. He is the Prince of Peace, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind.
Is it any wonder that His birth is celebrated around the world by every race and in every language? We too celebrate, and wish you a Christmas filled with joy, love, and wonder!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A Lasting Effect
“Bet I can find a Christmas station,” he said. Of course I figured there was no way he would find anything, so between us, we made a friendly little wager. He laughed, played with the radio dial for a few more seconds, and would you believe, on came, “Frosty the Snowman”!?! I couldn’t believe my ears. I mean, this was July! Singing about a snowman while living in desert conditions months away from Christmas seemed insane to me.
Now that the air is colder and the holiday season is upon us, I find myself singing to all the Christmas carols that fill the radio stations. A few times I have heard people say that the songs are repeated so often that they are “Christmas caroled out” Me? I don’t think I ever could be.
While there are various artists that sing their renditions of songs I don’t particularly love as much as I do others, a big part of getting in the mood for Christmas for me, comes from listening to Christmas music.
For example, when I listen to the Mormon Tabernacle choir sing, “Little Drummer Boy”, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” and “Silent Night” my heart is touched in ways I cannot express. I think of that first Christmas so long ago and what that little Christ child being born with such humble beginnings would come to mean for all mankind.
When I hear Andy Williams singing “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” the years melt away and I am a little girl again listening to my mother’s Williams Brothers Christmas album on the stereo in our family room. I have the happiest Christmas memories as a child. Andy Williams can spark those memories every time.
It’s also Andy Williams that sings my favorite musical rendition of “O Holy Night” While this song makes me think of many things, it mostly brings tears to my eyes as I think of my testimony and the love I have for my Savior and for this special time of the year.
Music affects everyone in different ways. It can cause people to think, act, and of course reminisce. It can have a great influence on us. The words to songs can touch and inspire us.
As I think of the beautiful hymns we sing at this glorious time of year, I am reminded of the scripture in D&C 25:12 “My soul delighted in the song of the heart; Yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me.”
I love singing about the Herald Angels that sang Hosanna’s, singing glory to the newborn king, announcing the birth of the Christ child, and about the small manger where the Lord Jesus laid His sweet head. I love the song that tells us of hearing the bells on Christmas day ringing peace on earth, good will toward men. The list goes on.
Music is indeed a way to worship. I love songs that help us to celebrate this wonderful time of the year. There are certainly the fun ongs that we sing with children that builds up their excitement and makes them giddy with joy, and there is music that influence us to do good unto others and truly remember the reason for this season.
I think the music at this time of year helps to build the Spirit of Christmas and can have a lasting effect.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What I Love About Christmas
This is my last blog before Christmas so I'm going to write about why I love Christmas so very much. Not the big things that everyone loves - getting gifts, singing carols, spending time with family, eating too much, enjoying the lights and decorations - but the little things.

- School holidays. The children get two weeks off school either side of Christmas. So no having to wake them up and find clean uniform at 7 a.m., then standing outside the school gates in the freezing wind each afternoon.
- The Christmas Radio Times. This is the official listings magazine of the BBC, and the bumper Christmas issue lands on my doormat a full three weeks before the big day, giving me plenty of time to plan my Christmas viewing with a highlighter pen. This year it'll be The Queen's speech, of course, and a new Doctor Who, and the latest offering from Wallace and Grommit.
- TV holidays. It seems that all my favourite programmes - Bones, Lie to Me, House - are taking a mid-season break over Christmas. I love this. It means that I can watch The Queen, Doctor Who and Wallace and Grommit without worrying about missing Booth and Brennan's first kiss. UK TV shows generally have a short season - a series of six episodes isn't unusual; 9 or 12 if you're lucky, so just as you're getting into something, it ends. US shows stretch that to a full 22 or even 24 episodes, guaranteeing regular weekly relaxation and entertainment for almost six months, but with a thoughtful two-week break each season to enable me to go on my Summer holiday or enjoy the festive TV treats without missing anything.
- Nativity Plays. My youngest, little Ceri, was an angel in this year's nativity play. She wore a Temple dress I had bought a year ago in the hope that her biological father, my ex husband, might give permission for her to be sealed to Roderic and I. Sadly he didn't, but she looked far more of an angel (in my biased opinion) than the others in their glittery and gauzy winged costumes. She stomped on the stage, halo flashing, unwedgied her knickers in front of the 100 watching parents, then saw my frown at such unladylike behaviour, folded her arms and scowled at me. Happily, by the time baby Jesus arrived on the stage, she was singing and smiling again and looking every inch the angel she is.
- Time off work. LawCare closes down between Christmas and New Year so I get a whole extra week off, in addition to my four weeks annual holiday allowance.
- Having my husband home. Roderic works in Russia much of the time (at least, when there's not a global recession on) but I'm guaranteed to have him at Christmas and for the following couple of weeks, since the Russian Orthodox Christmas is on 10th January, so the country isn't back to work until after then.
- Giving gits. A couple of years ago my parents asked that we not give them any presents. Needless to say I ignored that. I spend all year buying Christmas presents, and take great pride in picking the ideal gift which I know the person will love based on clues I've picked up. For example, a dear friend admired my popcorn machine back in July and idly commented that she wished she had one. Guess what she's getting for Christmas from me? (Emma, if you're reading this, it was someone else, OK?) There is indeed more joy in giving than in receiving.
Yes, I also love the fact that people who never go to Church (90% of the UK population) might actually go to a carol service or think about the saviour. I love turkey with bread sauce, cranberry sauce, stuffing, chipolatas and roast potatoes. I love seeing the children's faces on Christmas morning. But sometimes it's the little things that are really the icing on the (Christmas) cake.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tender Mercies

The past few days have been rather interesting in our family. For a brief moment, we feared we were losing one of our loved ones. An accident had taken place and the details at first were sketchy. For nearly an hour we only knew that one of my sisters had been in a head-on collision and that she had been taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital.
This kind of news is not a pleasant way to start one's day. I know I was in a state of shock as I prepared to travel to Utah. Tears made an appearance as I packed and made necessary phone calls. Reason finally pierced the brain fog I was experiencing and I knelt in fervent prayer. Almost immediately my heart filled with a calming peace. Though I still didn't know if my sister would live, I knew I would have heaven's help to survive all that lay ahead.
Before I left Bear Lake Valley, I received word that all would be well. I can't fully put into words the relief that descended at that time. It was mixed with gratitude for the miracle we saw take place that day. This miracle became even more pronounced when we saw the condition of my sister's car. She had been watched over and protected, her life preserved in a manner that left little doubt as to Who had been in charge that day.
Last night I learned that my oldest son's life had been on the line as well late Saturday night. He had originally planned to journey to join up with family members that had gathered at my mother's home near Ogden. After his final class had ended for the day in nearby Logan, Kris called with the news that a raging blizzard had descended. He knew traveling through Sardine Canyon wasn't possible in his small car. So he tried a different route and when he saw cars sliding off the road in every direction, he turned back around and remained in Logan.
I was so relieved when he called and told me that he was safe in Logan, staying with friends for the night. One less worry, or so I thought. Later that same night as I knelt beside the guest bed I'm currently using, I felt impressed to pray for this son. Repeatedly I asked for things to be well with him, not knowing that his life was hanging in the balance.
It wasn't until yesterday that I learned what had taken place. My oldest son is allergic to tree nuts. If he eats anything that contains tree nuts, his throat swells shut, he has a difficult time breathing, and it makes him very ill. For obvious reasons, we are very careful to avoid making or eating foods of this nature when he is around.
He had a couple of scary incidents involving this allergy while serving an LDS mission. Twice he ate foods prepared by members of the Church that contained tree nuts, and with each exposure, the reaction grew more serious. Saturday night, he ate dinner at a restaurant in Logan with one of his friends. After he had consumed a portion of his meal, he began struggling to breathe. A waiter appeared and when questioned, he revealed that Kris' meal had been cooked with almond oil.
Kris experienced the worst allergic reaction of his life Saturday night. He spent over four hours in ER as he was pumped full of steroids to preserve his life. He didn't want me traveling during the blizzard that night, so he didn't contact me about what had taken place until his safe return home yesterday afternoon.
Once again Divine intervention preserved the life of a loved one. I have always been amazed by the tender mercies extended by our Lord. I will be forever grateful for the miraculous events we have witnessed this week alone. And you can be sure that this Christmas, my heart will be continuously filled with gratitude for all that our Elder Brother has done for our family . . . for me. His gifts to our fragile mortal world are beyond price. And while there is no way any of us can return to Him a fraction of what He has freely given, I believe that each time we attempt to act as He would do, His heart is touched with a joy we can't even imagine.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Giving Meaning to the Madness
With its stars and shiny balls?
Is Christmas more than Christmas trees
And toys and games and dolls?
Of this I’m sure: There’s something more,
For I’ve heard many say
That in a strange and far-off land,
A child was born this day.
And Christmas is to celebrate
His coming from above.
He showed us how we all should live
And told us we should love.
The words of Ralph Waldo Emerson tell us: “Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself.” (Essays: The Poet.)
The true Christmas spirit is never found in the gifts we give and receive. The true Christmas spirit arrives without glittery packaging or shiny bows, but has a more lasting in impact.
In a Christmas address back in 1985 President Thomas Monson shared this poem and these thoughts about Christmas.
An unknown author wrote:
I am the Christmas Spirit.
I enter the home of poverty, causing pale-faced children to open their eyes wide in pleased wonder.
I cause the miser’s clutched hand to relax and thus paint a bright spot on his soul.
I cause the aged to renew their youth and to laugh in the glad old way.
I keep romance alive in the heart of childhood and brighten sleep with dreams woven of magic.
I cause eager feet to climb dark stairways with filled baskets, leaving behind them hearts amazed at the goodness of the world.
I cause the prodigal to pause a moment on his wild, wasteful way, and send to anxious love some little token that releases glad tears—tears which wash away the hard lines of sorrow.
I enter dark prison cells, reminding scarred manhood of what might have been, and pointing forward to good days yet to come.
I come softly into the still, white home of pain; and lips that are too weak to speak just tremble in silent, eloquent gratitude.
In a thousand ways I cause the weary world to look up into the face of God, and for a little moment forget the things that are small and wretched.
I am the Christmas Spirit.
This is the spirit each true Christian seeks. This is the spirit I pray each may find. This is the Christ spirit. No quest is so universal, no undertaking so richly rewarding, no effort so ennobling, no purpose so divine. The Christmas season seems to prompt anew that yearning, that seeking to emulate the Savior of the world.
As we lift our eyes heavenward and then remember to look outward into the lives of others, as we remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive, we, during this Christmas season, will come to see a bright, particular star that will guide us to our precious opportunity.
May we find time to pause during this Christmas season to reflect upon the true meaning of the the season and rejoice in the birth of our Savior.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The worth of a soul...
The students have been doing research for projects, writing papers on those projects and putting together slide shows that displayed images of their research with original text, all set to music.
There was a group of four brave students who sang, "Angels Among Us." They were wonderful, and I say "brave," because there were eight more who were supposed to sing with them. These four were awesome!
The students also made five quilts that were auctioned off. They were beautiful, and each one was purchased.
I was so touched at the work the kids put into their projects and the quilts. These children have experienced a slice of life I can only gape at, and I'm amazed at their resilience. They are working hard to succeed in a world that hasn't given then a very nice beginning. My hat is off to them--I am in awe of them and humbled by them.
My kudos also to the staff, who are talented, dedicated, and who must have loads of patience and use it often. Teaching is not an easy profession; I speak from experience.
I suppose I just want to say to this group of people, staff and children, and to teachers and students everywhere--nicely done. This life is not an easy one, and I do believe that as long as we help each other, we'll all get through it intact.
Happy Holidays to Project Surpass, and truly, God bless us, everyone!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I Love Christmas!!
I love nativity sets from all different nations that depict the birth of our Savior in so many different ways. It takes me hours to set them all up throughout my house (I have close to 100) but it is a labor of love to set each one up with the Baby Jesus at the center, just as He is at the center of our universe.
I love the feeling of excitement in the air - the feeling of anticipation that always comes with December. And I love the extra love that seems to fill the earth at this time of year. People are more considerate and kind, more friendly and open. (Usually.) :)
I love the traditions that we carry on from one generation to another. As children, we always received an orange in our stockings. Being born and raised in Idaho, I had no idea what a special thing that was to get in December. Oranges are plentiful all year long now, but then it was something extra special our parents did - and an expensive treat at that time!! So we have continued that tradition with our children. And, of course, candy and nuts and a couple of little gifts.
We put up our Christmas tree as early in the month as possible so we can enjoy it longer. Since I just returned from a week tending grandchildren, today will be our day and I'm excited! I'll put on my favorite music and place every ornament in just the right place. With our children grown and gone, I get to have my tree just as I want it decorated, instead of the family tree with all of the kids homemade ornaments that we had for so many years. Those precious decorations now hang on their own trees.
I have had, at times, grandchildren help decorate, but when they are gone, I replace ornaments clustered around the bottom and make it balanced and beautiful. After the decorating is done, all the presents go under the tree as they are bought and wrapped, so by time Christmas Eve arrives, you can't fit another thing under or around the tree. I'll admit, we go overboard at Christmas time. I always wanted to have a lot of presents for our children to open, so there were many little inexpensive treats - a little book, new pair of fun stockings, mittens, favorite candy treat. etc. We don't spend a lot of money, but try to fulfill wishes. I shop all year and stash the presents so I don't have a lot of shopping to do in December, which is so busy with social obligations - and people in the stores!
On Christmas Eve for years we played the dramatized Christmas story because the bleating of the lambs with the shepherds and the angels singing, the donkey and oxen in the stable, the footsteps on cobblestones, the different voices of the people in the story came to life for our children. Later we read from the Bible the Christmas story.
We choose one present to open on Christmas Eve, with my husband traditionally objecting and everyone calling him Scrooge. It is a game played for years now. I'll admit, it is hard with our children all married to not have a houseful at Christmas. I understand each of our families needing to be in their own homes, but it is far too quiet with just the two of us on Christmas Eve.
But we do manage to get together - most of us - to celebrate and open our presents and be thankful for the greatest gift ever given. For years, we had a little box that looked like a present. Each of us wrote what our gifts to the Babe of Bethlehem would be and slipped our proffered presents into the box. The next Christmas it would be open to see if we actually carried out the promised gift to our Savior.
Some of traditions have changed over the years. We used to have a huge Christmas dinner, but the 15 months that Glenn was on a remote tour in Turkey, we just put out holiday salads and fancy sandwich fixings so everyone could make their own, and the kids liked it so much, we did it the next year when Glenn returned. And I loved it as I didn't have to spend so much time in the kitchen.
We do still have Cinnamon Apple Tea Ring for breakfast with egg nog and/or hot chocolate. Two of my daughters continue this tradition in their homes. I'll send the recipe in another post as I'm off right now to our Super Saturday to make a couple of Christmas presents for my daughters. For my son this year, I'm redoing the quilt I made him years ago from his concert tee shirts and tee shirts he had bought as he traveled or picked up on his mission. He wore out the backing so he gets it renewed this year, with a couple of books on corporate management to help him as CEO of his company. Interesting combination, huh!
My young granddaughters are getting dress-up clothes and I still have one satin cape to finish and a filmy wrap to go over a satin skirt that needs to be hemmed. My grandsons are getting coupons for a special trip with Grandma and Grandpa to the zoo, the beach, and Hurricane Harbor at Six Flags (which is five minutes from their home in Valencia.)
My husband is giving me an early present: The historic Mission Inn in Riverside, CA decorates with one million lights every year and I've wanted to see them for 25 years. This year we are staying there one night, then going to San Diego and Coronado Island to see their beautiful light displays and visit the museums. One other present I'm asking for is a few days in Death Valley in January to play golf on the lowest golf course in the world and to visit historic places like Scotty's Castle and play in the sand (and take pictures, of course!)
Those are my favorite kinds of presents - personal time and fulfilled wishes. May all your wishes be fulfilled at this most glorious time of year!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Traditions
One particular favorite that goes back for as long as I can remember is our “Danish Christmas” celebrations.
As a little girl, I loved, and so looked forward to Christmas Eve, not only for all the obvious reasons that every child waits for that big night with such anticipation, but in our home, that was the night we had our “Danish Christmas.”
It began with each of us opening our gifts that had been sent from our grandparents in Denmark. What was inside, could be anyone’s guess. As a child, we found dolls dressed in national costume. Sometimes we found new pajamas or beautiful knit sweaters. Whatever the gift would be, it was always such a thrill to see what we would receive. But that wasn’t all, what we really looked forward to was all the Christmas candy that was sent to us. As a child I was eating Gummi Bears, Salmiyak (salt licorice) and that wonderful European chocolate long before I realized how lucky I was to be getting such delicacies!
After we opened our gifts and before our mouths were too full of candy, my mom would bring out the Ric ala Mon. It’s a type of Danish rice pudding loaded with slivered almonds in it. It was always eaten while we played a little game. The person who found a full almond in the pudding won a prize. All of us kids found it strange that for some reason we all ended up with the full almond in our dessert.. My mom would pat her cheeks and say, “Oh no! Don’t tell me I’ve done it again! I slipped up. Well, fair is fair. I guess everyone gets a prize.” Of course we were thrilled that mom had slipped up again. No one felt left out. All of us kids were winners! It took us years to figure out it was rigged-- and we loved her for it.
The night ended with us talking to our Mor Mor and Mor Far (our grandparents) to thank them for our gifts. Then we all settled down to the Christmas story read from the Bible by my dad. The evening ended with the family singing Christmas songs.
Years later, we still have traditions that go along with our Danish Christmas. Every year, we still have our Ric ala Mon, strangely enough, full almonds keep popping up unexpectedly, Dad still reads from the Bible and we sing together as a family.
However, through the years other traditions have been added. We love to see the lights on Temple Square, come home and have hot chocolate and doughnuts. I also love reading Christmas stories with my family each night.
Our son wants to add a tradition of watching a Christmas movie every Christmas Eve. However, with every special that he watches, the movie keeps changing to the flavor of the day. We’ll see what happens…
He also feels that you cannot decorate too soon. He came home from school last Monday and said that he absolutely HAD to decorate the entire house that night because he had promised his teacher we were going to do that. He had given his word and he needed to follow through…(Oh sure NOW he chooses to show us he was listening when we were going over that lesson!) After working all day it was all I could do to muster up the energy to carry through on that lofty goal. I did advise him to check with us before making promises of that magnitude in the future.
We have several other traditions that help us not only keep in mind the purpose for the season, but they add to the excitement, as well as help us to work together as a family get the most out of this joyous occasion. Traditions can be a way of strengthening the family bond and will in turn give us a lifetime of priceless memories.
I would love to hear some of your favorite memories from your family traditions. Please feel free to share.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Fashion flaws
It's my day to blog, but I don't have time to write anything well thought out or carefully composed. I've been in London all day at my work's Christmas dinner (very nice it was too) and just got home twenty-minutes ago. In half-an-hour I have to drive Hubby Dearest to Heathrow airport for his next visit to Azerbaijan.
I actually finished reading Lynn Gardner's novel Pursued on the train on the way home, but I'll have to blog my review some other time. Instead, today, I will just comment on something which is annoying me at the moment. And that is fashion.
One of the perks of being a woman, I have always felt, is having a waist which is (just about) smaller than my hips. The advantage of this is that when I wear a skirt fastened about my waist I don't need a belt. It can't fall down, because it wouldn't fit over my hips. Years ago, the same was true of trousers. I have a lovely pair of stonewashed jeans which buttoned around the vicinity of my navel, and served very well at holding in my ample stomach. Teamed with a hip-length t-shirt it was about the most comfortable and flattering combo I owned.
Now, however, the fashion is for trousers which do up around the hips. This means that they have to be worn with a belt - pulled uncomfortably tight - or they will, with very little encouragement, come adrift. Not only that, but they are perfectly positioned for my ample stomach to spill contentedly over the top. And my hip-length t-shirt now leaves exactly an inch of unpalatable midriff flab on display.
In the interests of modesty, can I ask why we have to follow this horrible fashion, and why it is now impossible to buy trousers which come up to the waist? And I need to find out who decided that hipsters (with the possibility of underwear showing over the top - wow!) were a good idea and throttle them.
OK, getting back off my high horse now and driving halfway round the M25.