Monday, September 20, 2010

An Invitation

I'm inviting you to go to Meridian Magazine and read my column there. Instead of my usual review of an LDS novel I've talked about the condition of today's LDS Fiction and where I think LDS fiction is headed in the future. I talked to quite a few people, mostly authors and editors, before writing this column. As a writer and a reviewer I can't help wondering where readers (and others) see LDS fiction in today's market place, in your homes, and in your lives. What do you think is good about LDS fiction? What would make it better? and Where do you think LDS fiction will be two years or five years down the road? Please respond on Meridian's comment trail, or here. (By the way, everyone who responds with thoughtful comments at either of these locations, will be entered in the ongoing Wish List contest on my blog.)

1 comment:

Lynn Gardner said...

I tried to leave a comment yesterday (didn't have time the day the column came out) and after leaving my say, it told me the page had expired! What I said was: I agreed with you that LDS fiction has a future and I'm optimistic about it. There are so many new authors being publishing each year, as well as the "stable full" of old authors that the variety is amazing and wonderful. I'm grateful for "good reads" that I don't have to be ashamed to have someone catch me reading, and that don't shock and offend me. Or something like that. Great article.